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Trauma Counseling in Bucks County, PA

Whether it’s dealing with a death in your family, the loss of a friend, partner, or loved one, the end of a marriage, the loss of a job, or just having experienced a traumatic event like a serious accident, having counselors help you navigate this difficult time is what the New Narratives Therapy center does best. At New Narratives Therapy in Bucks County, PA, our compassionate licensed counselors and therapists help individuals deal with all kinds of trauma. Whether it’s using eye-movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR) or trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), our experienced and caring counselors and therapists have the understanding, patience, caring, and empathy to help you through this difficult time.


At New Narratives Therapy in Bucks County, PA, we understand how difficult it can be to navigate the pain, suffering, depression, anxiety, and often overwhelming stress and sense of despair that comes from experiencing a horrible trauma. We know that no matter how confident you are, how strong-willed you are, or how capable you are of handling problems – dealing with complex trauma can make healing seem next to impossible.

How Trauma Therapy Can Help You Heal

The trauma and grief counseling in Bucks County, PA services offered at New Narratives Therapy are entirely patient-driven. This means each therapy session with one of our counselors or mental health therapists is 100 percent focused on your personal experiences and situation. Whether you’re dealing with PTSD from an event that happened long ago or are dealing with a recent trauma that you’ve been unable to work past, our compassionate therapists and counselors will be with you every step of your journey.


Trauma therapy can help you come to terms with your trauma while showing you how to develop coping mechanisms that improve your outlook on the future. The goal is to provide you with a sense of security, belonging, and safety and to give you the tools to reduce your fear, apprehension, anxiety, and depression. It’s often a long road, but with the therapists and counselors at New Narratives Therapy, it’s a road you no longer have to travel alone.


We are a committed team of licensed CBT and EMDR therapists, mental health professionals, counselors, and clinical social workers who are invested in our patients, their experiences, and their trauma and working towards solutions that help them deal with that trauma effectively and healthily. Whether it’s providing trauma therapy in Doylestown, PA, to someone who lost a loved one or helping a veteran and service member dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), we’re committed to your mental health and healing.


So, as someone in Bucks County, PA, dealing with trauma and interested in CBT and EMDR therapy, how can our caring and empathetic counselors and therapists work with you to put this experience behind you?

trauma counselors in bucks county pa
trauma counselors in bucks county pa

What To Expect During Trauma Therapy

For your first trauma therapy session, one of our counselors or therapists will first start by getting to know you, your trauma, and how this trauma has affected – and continues to affect – your personal life and those around you. By understanding the trauma and how it affects your daily life and your relationships, our compassionate counselors and therapists can tailor a therapy solution specific to your situation.


At New Narratives Therapy in Bucks County, PA, we have extensive experience with multiple types of trauma. We’ve helped individuals move past the loss of a loved one, the end of a marriage, or the loss of a child, parents, or other family member. We’ve helped individuals throughout Bucks County, PA, deal with the loss of a home or job, the end of a career, or the loss of a cherished pet.

Ultimately, our trauma therapy deals with loss. That loss can take many forms, and it’s important to understand that losing anything you cherish, love, or value that has left you in despair is worth seeing a therapist for.

Common Therapy Techniques We Use To Treat Trauma

Among the most common trauma therapy techniques employed by caring therapists and counselors at the New Narratives Therapy in Bucks County, PA, are CBT and EMDR. Both are extremely effective trauma therapy solutions that help individuals move past traumatic events in their lives.


Trauma-focused CBT uses cognitive-behavioral techniques and exposure practices that help individuals deal with the root cause of trauma and its often debilitating effects like anxiety, depression, and stress. In the hands of one of our experienced therapists, CBT is an effective solution to help individuals move beyond trauma.


EMDR is predicated on having you focus your eyes at specific angles when working through trauma. It is a psychotherapy solution that helps to alleviate the emotional distress, pain, and sadness that result from trauma. With both approaches, our therapists and counselors are there with you to ensure you’re comfortable with the therapy session and feel in total control of your healing process.

Trauma therapy bucks county pa

Schedule an Appointment Today!

At New Narratives Therapy, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to explore, heal, and grow. As a full-service clinic, we help people deal with a variety of issues, including mental health and anxiety, professional stress, relationship problems, and life transitions, such as trauma, redefining yourself, and finding your balance in a digital world. Our empathetic therapists will help you achieve your desired narrative. Wherever you are on that path, we are here to help you rewrite your story—one based on understanding, support, and empowerment.


If you are dealing with trauma and are trying to resolve it on your own, stop right now. We understand that not everyone has someone to talk with, and even those often benefit from a therapy session with someone not attached or connected in any way to the traumatic event.

If you live in Bucks County, PA, and believe that therapy provided by compassionate and licensed mental health professionals can help you better deal with trauma, call us or book an appointment now.

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