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New Narratives Consulting

We are team of diverse, highly trained and qualified psychotherapists committed to providing coaching, counseling, and self-management programs for companies and organizations.


Mental health disorders are among the most burdensome health concerns in the United States. Nearly 1 in 5 US adults aged 18 or older (18.3% or 44.7 million people) reported a mental illness in 2019.


Mental illnesses such as depression are associated with higher rates of disability and unemployment. As symptoms of depression often interferes with a person’s ability to complete physical job tasks about 20% of the time and reduces cognitive performance about 35% of the time.


Poor mental health and stress can negatively affect employee:

• Job performance and productivity.

• Engagement with one’s work.

• Communication with coworkers.

• Physical capability and daily functioning.


With 63% of Americans a part of the US labor force, mental health issues affect businesses and their employees at staggering rates.


A workplace counseling program designed to create or enhance a culture of health and emotional well-being for employees and leaders. In-house counseling can save time and money and boost employee resilience and productivity, as well as their overall health and well-being


We offer high quality clinical counseling to improve the well-being and mental health of employees and leaders. We aim to optimize communication, performance, motivation and creativity; minimizing the impact of burnout, trauma and turn-over.



Our sessions encompass a broad range of culturally-sensitive practices that help people improve their well-being, alleviate distress, manage crisis and increase the ability for people to function better in their lives.


Although many people spend long hours at work, they also have a life outside of it. That life is likely to include personal challenges, adverse events, and periods of reduced mental health and wellbeing. Each individual’s life circumstances will impact them at work, and will likely have ripple effects across teams and departments. A New Narratives therapist can help to support individuals to reach a state of optimal wellbeing where they can better access their full potential in all spheres of life - including the workplace.


A corporate therapy session is similar to a private session – it is based on the exploration of individual experience. This exploration is different for each person but often includes challenge and working on the edge of what is comfortable.


All sessions are held virtually using a secure, HIPAA compliant platform to protect confidentiality. All sessions can be conducted using a camera-enabled computer, smart phone, or tablet. It’s easy, and effective. There is nothing to download or special resources needed.


Fees are based on the needs of the company. For more information on rates. Please contact Dr. Cecelia Baldwin at

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